Sales Follow-Up Email Templates: Building a Conversation and Closing the Deal with Confidence

Writing Effective Follow-Up Emails for Every Sales Funnel Stage

Sales Follow-Up Email Templates

Did you know that only about 10% of customers close the deal on their own after confirmation, which means that 90% of deals will not happen if the salesperson skips this stage and doesn’t offer the next steps? That’s why, at every stage of the sales process, you need to be sure that the next online meeting, call, business lunch, webinar, or other event with a potential client is scheduled in advance. Follow-up emails can greatly help with this, as they make it very convenient to offer something to the customer and encourage them to take further action.

How to Write Sales Follow-Up Email?

In addition to the previous impressive statistics, you may be surprised to learn that as many as 60% of customers say “no” four times before saying the desired “yes”, while 48% of salespeople never make a second attempt. And this is a problem to work with by improving your sales strategy.

If you are struggling with writing a follow-up letter, it is not surprising. Many professionals face this problem because we think that if someone hasn’t responded to our previous email, they are no longer interested in the deal. This is completely wrong because very few potential clients respond with acceptance at the first request, usually, it is a long and rather troublesome work to finalize the deal.

Start your follow-up email strategy with ease and confidence using our proven tips and templates below:

1. Recall the context.

Be sure to start by recalling a previous interaction to jog the recipient’s memory. This is important and increases the chances of reading further. Consider a specific topic you want to mention to trigger their memory. Keep the tone friendly and conversational, as it makes it easier to build a dialog in sales outreach, and the recipient won’t feel obligated to choose complicated words for their response.

Use introductory words like:

  • Replying to the email dated [day of the week when the email was sent] regarding [subject line].
  • Last time we talked about [topic].
  • Checking in to see what you think about [subject line].
  • I noticed that you read my previous email and would like to reply to it.

2. Put value above everything else.

Yes, sellers are often quite predictable and formulaic in their follow-up emails, but that doesn’t mean you can’t communicate sincerely. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer, would you really read a template email among dozens of others? So, provide value in every interaction you have.

Offer next steps or ideas that meet the customer’s needs, for example:

  • A relevant digital resource, specific information, or template.
  • Offer to try out your product or service.
  • Emphasize how your offer can help them.

3. Clarify your intention.

Clearly state the purpose of your sales follow-up letter, and contact directly and concisely. Don’t make the prospect reread the whole list of previous requests, ask, or suggest one thing, it may increase your chances of getting a response. Focus on the prospect’s needs, avoiding excessive use of “I”.

Some examples:

  • [Product name] can help you [element of the prospect’s role]. Let’s discuss how.
  • Just wanted to remind you that we’ve launched [product name]. Let’s chat about how effective it can be for [potential client’s or company’s] needs.

4. Don’t forget about a clear call to action.

Make it easy for them to respond by suggesting specific actions in your follow-up email.


  • Is [time] suitable for the meeting?
  • Click here for a link to my calendar, feel free to schedule an appointment.
  • Answer yes for more information and I will send you all details.

5. Close with a warm message.

Each time your prospects respond, and regardless of their response, always thank them for their time. Keep in mind that they are also busy with their work routine and still take the time to open your sales follow-up. Say “Thank you” and close your email in a friendly and natural manner.


  • Let me know what you think.
  • Feel free to contact me with any questions.
  • We look forward to hearing from you.

Follow-Up Sales Email Templates

Sales teams widely use follow-up emails at important stages of the sales funnel to collect some information, remind the prospect to take a certain action, and continue their customer journey.

Experienced sales professionals know that to effectively reach out to a certain contact again, you need to have a clear understanding of what to write in your email.

Here are some best sales follow-up email templates that will help you engage prospects and convert them into customers more easily.

1. Sales follow-up template focusing on offering solutions to address a pain point.

Subject Line: Do you need help with [a specific problem]?

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to circle back regarding our previous discussion about [mention the challenge].

Solving your problem is a priority and I am confident that [your product/service] can provide a solution.

We have helped many clients with similar problems and I believe we can do the same for you. Our service is specifically designed to [emphasize how your offer solves the problem]. I'd like to learn how we can tailor our solution to your unique needs.

Would you be willing to schedule a short call to discuss this further? I'd love to hear your opinion and answer any questions you may have.

Looking forward to the opportunity to assist you in overcoming [specific pain point].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

2. A follow-up message to provide additional information about the offer.

Subject Line: More information regarding [problem]?

Hello [Prospect's Name],

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me on [specify date]. I am very interested in the potential of our work together.

You mentioned that you need to consult with your colleagues before making a decision. Have you made any progress in your discussions?

Please let me know when you have time to talk.


[Your Name]

3. Another good follow-up email for sales suggesting further steps and encouraging action.

Subject Line: Moving forward together

Dear [Potential Client’s Name],

I hope you've had a chance to review the proposal we discussed. I'm excited about the opportunity to work together and would like to suggest that we schedule a quick call to answer any questions you may have and discuss the next steps.

Would [insert date and time] be more convenient for you? Feel free to suggest another time.

I look forward to meeting you and continuing our cooperation.

Best regards,

[Your name].

4. Example of a sales follow-up letter to add value and offer help.

Subject Line: Additional resources to support your decision.

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I trust you're doing well. Following up on our recent conversation, I wanted to provide you with some additional resources that may assist you in evaluating [product/service]. Attached is a case study outlining how [Company Name] helped a similar client achieve [specific result].

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to assist you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

5. An effective sales follow-up email sample to offer prospects free guest access or a free trial to use your product.

Subject Line: Free guest access for your company.

Hello [First Name],

I know how busy you can be with managing your team. I recently sent you some information about [product or service] and thought it would be helpful to show you how it works in practice.

I've attached some [guest logins or free vouchers] that you can use to access our service. Feel free to share them with your colleagues and let me know what you think!

If you have any questions, let's discuss them soon. I believe it will be useful for your business.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

6. A concise and effective template for follow-up emails after a product demo.

Subject line: Quick follow-up and next steps after demo call

Hello [Prospect's name],

I hope you found yesterday's demo informative and helpful. It was my pleasure to walk you through [emphasize key points discussed during the demo].

As we discussed, I believe that [your product/service] can bring significant value to [the prospect's company] by [mention how your solution will help].

To take the next steps, I'd like to schedule a quick follow-up call to answer any questions you have and discuss how [your product/service] can integrate into your workflow. How does [insert date and time] suit you?

Looking forward to continuing our conversation.

Best regards,

[Your name].

Why Send Follow-Up Emails?

Now that you have quality follow-up email templates and useful tips on how to write them, let’s focus on the importance of sending them.

Every salesperson dreams of getting a hot lead that converts immediately with minimal effort, but the reality of the market is that such leads make up only a small portion of your lead pool.

Statistics show that most leads are not immediately qualified or ready to close a deal. Therefore, follow-up emails are crucial to nurturing leads, keeping them engaged, and eventually boosting conversions.

Key Insights

Sales follow-up emails are a huge part of your success in customer acquisition and retention. Don’t skip this important step at every stage of your sales funnel. Timely and effective follow-up with prospects will make the customer feel valued and help you build a productive conversation with the audience to achieve your business goals.

By following the steps above and using our proven templates, you’ll have the best chance of getting responses from prospects and closing the deal. Also, always pay attention to how your messages look at the pre-send stage. Our comprehensive spam testing tool Inbox Insight will help you with this, allowing you to quickly check whether your follow-up message ends up – in the inbox or spam. Also, don’t miss the new HTML checker feature that scans your emails for compatibility with all major platforms, ensuring that they are displayed consistently across all of your prospects’ devices.

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Khrystyna Sliusar

Content Lead at GlockApps