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Email Deliverability

Types of Email Marketing: Essential Strategies for Effective Campaigns

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Email is a dynamic, powerful way to reach out to your audience, build relationships, and make a sale. In this regard, email marketing is divided into two main strategies: inbound and outbound marketing. Inbound marketing is based on developing relations with existing subscribers, while outbound marketing strives to attract new leads by reaching opportunistic customers who have yet to become familiar with the product or service. This dual approach allows businesses to manage and expand their reach across diverse consumer bases effectively.

Mail Transfer Agent (MTA): Understanding Its Role and Functionality in Email Communication

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

It is important to understand the mechanisms that make email delivery possible for those who rely on it every day. The Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is a critical component of the email delivery system. A message transfer agent, mail transport agent, or just MTA is a software that allows email to be sent and received on the internet. In this article, we explain what an MTA is, how it works, and why it is integral to email communication.

How to Decrease Your Email Spam Score for Better Inbox Placement: Avoiding Spam Signals

Written by Julia G

Email marketing is only effective when your email communications go to the recipient’s Inbox instead of the Spam folder. Therefore, reducing the likelihood of your email to be spam is significant for successful email campaigns. 

In this article, we will examine email spam signals, learn how to recognize these signals in emails and how to avoid them when working on your future mailings. Additionally, you’ll receive insightful advice on how to improve your email campaigns’ deliverability.

What’s Causing the 550 SMTP Error and How to Fix It?

Written by Julia G

It’s always frustrating to see your beautiful email campaigns failing due to email delivery issues. The causes of such failures range from suspicious elements in the email’s content, incorrect DNS records, invalid email addresses to email quotas, recipient’s restrictions, and email server issues. The good news is that the majority of the issues can be fixed by the sender. 

SMTP Error: 554 Email Rejected Due to Security Policies – 7 Steps to Fix It

Written by Julia G

In order to guarantee a successful email delivery, servers engage in a number of exchanges known as the SMTP process, which is essential to email communication. This procedure is interfered with and the email’s trip is stopped when an SMTP error happens. Usually, a bounce message indicating that the email could not be delivered along with a short error description is sent to the sender.

Email Encryption: How It Works and Strengthens Your Security

Written by Khrystyna Sliusar

It’s hard to imagine any business process today without email because it’s deeply involved in almost all workflow stages of organizations and ordinary users. Effective communication in every industry requires that messages are delivered on time, without falsification or failure, and to the intended recipient.

Key Email Marketing Metrics You Need to Know to Succeed

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

In this highly competitive world of email marketing, if you want to stay afloat, you need to know the right metrics and use them wisely. Metrics are not just numbers but they measure the pulse of your campaigns and how your strategies are playing with your audience. Here’s the ultimate guide for metrics every email marketer must track for better campaign optimization and driving measurable results.

How to Get to the Inbox in Outlook: Best Email Deliverability Practices and Solutions

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Being able to send your emails from your email system to the inbox – instead of the junk folder – is not only important but a key factor in effective business communication. Products such as Microsoft Outlook are equipped with complex systems to avoid unwanted emails, and they analyze a large number of factors such as sender credibility, content relevance, and user interaction.

Streamlined Inbox: What’s New in Apple Mail from iOS 18 Preview

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Apple has announced a huge update of Apple Mail in iOS 18, with a bunch of exciting new features that are designed to give users a more immersive experience and add a greater sense of control over the pre-existing app. We’ll take a look at the highlights of this overhaul and its implications.

Understanding Email Queuing: Why Your Gmail Messages Get Stuck and How to Resolve It

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Queuing is when you send an email, but it doesn’t arrive at the destination right away — instead, it ends up resting in a “sending queue”. While many email clients and services have acknowledged this issue, it isn’t exclusive to anyone; the question of why emails queue up, and what we can do when they do, is an important one. Given our tendency to rely on email for communication both in leisure and in employment, many of us depend on messages arriving on time.