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Author: Julia G

How to Restore Sender Reputation and Get out of the Spam Folder

Written by Julia G

The worst thing for an email marketer is to realize that their best offers and high importance emails are not delivered to the recipients’ Inboxes and are lost in Spam. When an email is filtered to the Spam folder, it’s not because a mailbox provider has a grudge against YOU. It’s because the email met one or more criteria of …

How to Delist from Blocklist.de

Written by Julia G

When you run an email test with GlockApps, oftentimes you may be frustrated by a warning that your sending IP address is blacklisted. Blacklists can work as a firewall on the path of your messages to the recipient’s mailbox so that your legitimate emails never reach the destination. At the same time, blacklists do a good job by blocking viruses, …

How to Delist from CBL

Written by Julia G

Blacklists are becoming active players in the email marketing field. A blacklist can be viewed as some kind of a guard that will allow certain emails to pass and stop others. From one side, blacklists do a good job by protecting email users from various kinds of spam and scam. On the other side, legitimate senders often suffer from the …

How to Delist from Mailspike

Written by Julia G

Email security is a big concern for many Internet users. Individuals and organizations need to protect their mailboxes from a huge volume of spam and phishing emails they receive daily. This is exactly what Mailspike has to offer. What is Mailspike? Mailspike is a free blacklist created of the IP addresses which have a bad reputation. Most of the IP …

How to Delist from IvmSIP

Written by Julia G

What is IvmSIP? Invaluement is a combination of three blacklists that can be used as an “add on” in most spam filtering systems. The data collected by Invaluement allows pinpointing the most elusive spam that often bypasses many spam filters. Invaluement includes such blacklists as ivmURI, ivmSIP, and ivmSIP/24. InvaluementSIP (ivmSIP) lists the IP addresses that send an extremely high …

Get Your Halloween Freebie and a Chance to Win a Big Treat!

Written by Julia G

The year 2020 tricked us a lot so the GlockApps team has decided it is time for a treat! In our previous post, we’ve presented our idea (and a free tool) to help you trick-or-treat online. If you haven’t used it yet – go ahead, there’s not much time left! And if you feel like being featured on our Facebook …

Halloween is Not Cancelled: How to Trick-or-Treat Online!

Written by Julia G

Too many holiday celebrations have already suffered from this year’s pandemic, so our team has decided: enough is enough! Just like us, you have probably anticipated the candy, costumes, parties, and other festivities. So we thought, how could we boost that Halloween spirit in the context of staying at home to be safe? The answer was obvious: email! There are …

How to Delist from Abusix Mail Intelligence

Written by Julia G

First of all, Abusix are not evil masterminds, they are not interested in you being stuck on their blacklist for all eternity. On the contrary, they encourage everyone to resolve the issue as soon as possible and provide you with explanations and support (including an online chat). Now let’s get down to business. What is Abusix Mail Intelligence? Abusix Mail …

How to Delist from ivmURI

Written by Julia G

Start with a deep breath and don’t panic. There are hundreds of blacklists out there, so getting your IP or domain on at least one of them can happen. While some blacklists are small and don’t affect your deliverability much, others can significantly impact your email sending processes. Either way, getting blacklisted is a sign that you might adopt some …

How to Delist from Barracuda

Written by Julia G

What is Barracuda? Barracuda Central maintains a lіѕt of IP аddrеѕѕеѕ аnd dоmаіn names that, it bеlіеvеѕ, have been involved in spam activities and that are a threat to іntеrnеt uѕеrѕ. Thіѕ database allows the Bаrrасudа Sраm & Vіruѕ Fіrеwаll tо block or deliver a message to the recipient based оn thе ѕеndеr’ѕ IP address. The reputation of an IP …