Protected Sky RBL

Status: Inactive
Removal: Automatically removed when you stop spamming

The Protected Sky RBL blacklist is no longer active. If you use it to check IP addresses, remove it from your blacklists’ database. Read more here.

Listing Policy

A listing by Protected Sky RBL indicates that the IP address has been identified as a spam source.

The Protected Sky RBL lists IPs based on reputation scoring using several factors to determine a good, poor, or bad reputation. Protected Sky RBL blacklists IP addresses in two categories:

Poor Reputation: IP address has been seen with a high rate of spam (it advises mail platforms using this RBL to defer the message for later).

Bad Reputation: IP address has been seen to have a very high rate of spam (it advises mail platforms using this RBL to reject the message at SMTP submission).

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