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Author: Julia G

Dedicated vs Shared IPs: Which Should You Choose for Better Deliverability

Written by Julia G

When you hit “Send” in your email system or email service provider, your email is transmitted to the outgoing mail server and then to the mail server at the receiving ISP, which then decides what to do with your email based on the sending IP’s reputation, authentication, your sending practices, and recipient engagement. These factors directly influence whether or not …

Spam Filter Testing: Determining Spam Placement Causes (Case Study)

Written by Julia G

Since the release of GlockApps we have tested hundreds of emails and looked through hundreds of reports. From our experience, we learned that one of the common causes of deliverability problems, in particular, spam placements, was the message content (providing that you have a confirmed opt-in email list and send relevant content). Related Posts In email marketing, engagement is everything. …

Avoiding Gmail Spam After the Latest Security Update

Written by Julia G

If it was hard for you to stay out of Gmail spam before, it may be increasingly more difficult for you after Gmail’s latest security update. In an attempt to protect users from spam, junk mail, phishing emails, and other malware, Gmail implemented a new security mechanism that identifies potentially harmful messages from unauthenticated senders. These warnings appear directly within …

Email Authentication: the Ultimate Guide

Written by Julia G

Email authentication is becoming a big deal. Authentication allows the mailbox provider to confirm that the sender is the one who he pretends to be. If authentication fails, the emails are likely to be filtered as spam or rejected. Thus, email marketers should set up authentication records for their sending domains to increase the trustworthiness in the eyes of the receiving email servers.

And it’s important to regularly test email authentication records using an email spam checker to make sure that the messages won’t go to the spam folder due to a failed authentication.

Email Delivery Basics: 3 Fundamental Email Concepts Explained

Written by Julia G

In this post, I give a little bit of theory about email delivery so that you can get a general idea about email concepts, good and bad sending habits, and email spam checker tools you can use to monitor your reputation and deliverability and determine possible causes of deliverability issues if they happen. Related Posts In email marketing, engagement is …

How to Find and Fix Email Deliverability Issues

Written by Julia G

In this tutorial, we provide tips on how to test each element of your email program in order to find and fix the cause of your deliverability issues, increase your Inbox placement, open rates, and drive your revenue.

In the world of email marketing, deliverability is a priority. No email marketers want their emails to end up in the spam folder. But despite all the best efforts emails do sometimes end up there, even with clear subject lines, great designs with the perfect ratio of live text to images, and having a regular sending pattern.

Testing via Proxy Email Address

Written by Julia G

If you’re operating your own mail server or email account with a delivery vendor like Amazon SES, SendGrid or other you can use this option. It is simple as 1, 2, 3. GlockApps will automatically re-send the message to the seed email addresses at mailbox providers you chose. This option eliminates the need for you to copy-paste the entire seed …

5 Reasons You Need to Grow Your Email List Organically in 2023

Written by Julia G

Deliverability is the cherished dream of email marketers. You only waste your time and money that you spent for preparing and sending an email campaign if your email doesn’t reach your subscriber’s Inbox. GlocApps tracks and reports on deliverability with its Inbox and spam rate metric. Very few email marketers achieved the Inbox Placement rates of at least 90%. The …

12 Questions You Should Be Asking If You Have Deliverability Issues

Written by Julia G

Email marketing is the most convenient means of reaching new and existing customers and subscribers throughout the year. Companies and online marketers can send email marketing campaigns to introduce their products and services, showcase new features, promote their blogs, and give exclusive offers to re-engage customers who haven’t been active in a while.

How to Process Feedback Loops

Written by Julia G

What Feedback Loops Are Feedback loop (FBL) is the mechanism by which Internet service providers (ISPs) report spam complaints to senders. Spam complaints (or abuse complaints) are generated when a subscriber clicks the “Report as spam” button in their email client. The ISP forwards the complained message back to a designated email address that has been set up by you …