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spam testing

Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing Subject Lines

Written by Julia G

If you’re an email marketer or considering becoming one, you’re probably curious about what motivates consumers or subscribers to open the emails that you send to them. If you want to increase your open rates, what are the principles you need to master as an email marketer? All of this boils down to the first important factor you should know …

Email Branding for Better Inbox Experience and Deliverability

Written by Julia G

According to the latest benchmark report, email conversion rates are higher than social media, direct traffic, and search. Email is alive and continues to be a great channel of communication and marketing for companies who run a business online. In this post, we are going to focus on the elements of the email that you can use to build trust …

How I Beat Google & Decreased My Spam Rate from 35.2% to 2.8%

Written by Shaurya Jain

This is the guest post written by Shaurya Jain. A Mistake that Started It All A couple of months ago, I launched a cold email campaign to partner with non-competing but closely related businesses. These were primarily PR and web design agencies. From my 2 years of experience with cold emailing, I had learned that people like humorous cold emails. …

Email Marketer’s Guide: What You Need to Know about Outlook

Written by Julia G

Hotmail was one of the first web-based email services launched in 1996. It was rebranded as Outlook.com in 2013 to align with Microsoft’s desktop email application Outlook. At present, Outlook.com is one of the leading global mailbox providers with 400+ million active users. Deliverability to Outlook.com and Hotmail.com domains concerns a lot of email marketers as Microsoft has the strongest …

Email Delivery Basics: 3 Fundamental Email Concepts Explained

Written by Julia G

In this post, I give a little bit of theory about email delivery so that you can get a general idea about email concepts, good and bad sending habits, and email spam checker tools you can use to monitor your reputation and deliverability and determine possible causes of deliverability issues if they happen. Related Posts It is important to understand …

How to Find and Fix Email Deliverability Issues

Written by Julia G

In this tutorial, we provide tips on how to test each element of your email program in order to find and fix the cause of your deliverability issues, increase your Inbox placement, open rates, and drive your revenue. In the world of email marketing, deliverability is a priority. No email marketers want their emails to end up in the spam …

How to Troubleshoot Inbox Placement

Written by Julia G

In this tutorial, we’re going to cover the steps you can take to troubleshoot your Inbox placement, find out why your email messages are going to the spam folder and what you can do to avoid the spam folder and get into the Inbox. Related Posts Learn how DMARC Analytics digests can help you fix email authentication issues and get …

How to Maximize Inbox Delivery: Best Practices that You Can Implement Today

Written by Julia G

The Internet and email have created new opportunities for businesses of all sizes and across all markets. The bad thing is that malicious senders are abusing email too. I bet you are receiving hundreds of ads and promos every day from people you have not even heard of. Thus, ISPs and all receiving networks are forced to take measures to …

Improve Email Deliverability: Insights and Best Practices That Really Work

Written by Julia G

Some 17% of emails from legitimate senders around the world failed to reach the inbox during the year-long period according to Return Path’s latest study on this topic. Globally, the average Inbox placement rate saw a decline from 85% to 83%, meaning that 1 in every 6 commercial emails fails to reach the Inbox. How would you like a 21% …