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email deliverability

Automate Your Email Marketing and Sender Reputation Monitoring

Written by Julia G

According to Statista, in 2020, the number of global email users amounted to 4 billion and is set to grow to 4.6 billion users in 2025. That’s why a lot of businesses and organizations use email for communicating with their audience around the world, reaching out to clients and customers to advertise products, and building customer relationships. Like we are …

How GlockApps Helps Emails Reach Their Inbox Destination

Written by Diana Lascu

This is the guest post written by Diana Lascu. What Brought Flipsnack to GlockApps? Email is one of Flipsnack’s most powerful marketing and communication tools. Not only is it the main channel to reach our users, but it also allows us to tailor different messages for different audiences, and send them emails at the best time. When I started as …

How to Use Emotional Intelligence for Email Marketing Success

Written by Julia G

Whenever an email marketer presses send on a newsletter to their subscribers, they’re doing it with only the best of intentions. Often spending more time on the subject line of an email to be strong and interesting, sometimes the newsletter content can miss the mark with subscribers. What may seem obvious from an email marketer’s point of view can at …

Manage Sender Reputation & Boost Email Deliverability With Subdomains

Written by Julia G

As an email marketer, you can’t obsess too much over deliverability. You’ve already built a targeted email list and created helpful and topical content for your newsletter, but is this enough for a successful email campaign? What email deliverability result will you get? Here we’ll review fundamentals you should already know and look at some advanced tactics on how to …

Email Branding for Better Inbox Experience and Deliverability

Written by Julia G

According to the latest benchmark report, email conversion rates are higher than social media, direct traffic, and search. Email is alive and continues to be a great channel of communication and marketing for companies who run a business online. In this post, we are going to focus on the elements of the email that you can use to build trust …

How I Beat Google & Decreased My Spam Rate from 35.2% to 2.8%

Written by Shaurya Jain

This is the guest post written by Shaurya Jain. A Mistake that Started It All A couple of months ago, I launched a cold email campaign to partner with non-competing but closely related businesses. These were primarily PR and web design agencies. From my 2 years of experience with cold emailing, I had learned that people like humorous cold emails. …

Email Marketer’s Guide: What You Need to Know about Outlook

Written by Julia G

The Inbox in Outlook.com is separated into two tabs: Focused and Other. Email messages that users frequently interact with are placed under the Focused tab, others go to the Other tab.

You can determine which messages from which senders will go to the Focused and Other inboxes. If you right-click the message, you can select the “Always move to Focused/Other Inbox” option. Then you must confirm your choice by clicking Yes. Outlook.com’s interface allows users to add an email to a category for a quick search and view.

Gmail Primary Inbox: How to Improve Gmail Inbox Placement

Written by Julia G

Gmail is constantly changing and improving to protect users from spam, phishing emails, and other malware. Learn everything email marketers should know about Gmail and its latest security updates.

How to Avoid Spam Filters When Sending Emails

Written by Julia G

Many, if not every email marketer faced this problem. Spam filters seem to be a huge obstacle on the way to the recipient’s Inbox, but in fact, it is a natural element of the email delivery process. What are Spam filters? Spam filters are filters designed to sort emails according to certain criteria. When you send an email, spam filters …

Email Delivery Basics: 3 Fundamental Email Concepts Explained

Written by Julia G

In this post, I give a little bit of theory about email delivery so that you can get a general idea about email concepts, good and bad sending habits, and email spam checker tools you can use to monitor your reputation and deliverability and determine possible causes of deliverability issues if they happen. Related Posts Many marketers think of SEO …