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Gmail Inbox

Improve Delivery to your Gmail Email List

Written by Julia G

n the past, Gmail was error-prone and would accidentally filter legitimate emails as spam. Therefore Google developed Gmail labels to categorize incoming emails as Primary, Promotions, or Social messages.

If your email marketing campaigns land in the Gmail Promotions tab, it’s not as bad as landing in spam. However, people don’t usually check their Promotions folder so not all subscribers may see your sent messages.

Follow this Gmail deliverability article to improve your email delivery to Google contacts, train Gmail to send your messages to the Primary tab, and significantly boost your response rates.

Avoiding Gmail Spam After the Latest Security Update

Written by Julia G

If it was hard for you to stay out of Gmail spam before, it may be increasingly more difficult for you after Gmail’s latest security update. In an attempt to protect users from spam, junk mail, phishing emails, and other malware, Gmail implemented a new security mechanism that identifies potentially harmful messages from unauthenticated senders. These warnings appear directly within …