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spam filters

Email Marketer’s Guide: What You Need to Know about Yahoo

Written by Julia G

Yahoo!Mail is a free webmail provider from the Yahoo company that saw the world in 1997. Now it’s one of the three largest mailbox providers with 225 million users.

In June 2017, Yahoo was acquired by Verizon Communications, which also bought AOL in 2015. By now, Verizon has not revealed any plans to combine Yahoo!Mail with other email services.

How to Avoid Spam Filters When Sending Emails

Written by Julia G

Many, if not every email marketer faced this problem. Spam filters seem to be a huge obstacle on the way to the recipient’s Inbox, but in fact, it is a natural element of the email delivery process. What are Spam filters? Spam filters are filters designed to sort emails according to certain criteria. When you send an email, spam filters …

How to Get Emails Past Spam Filters and Email Firewalls

Written by Julia G

Even legitimate email marketers who send CAN-SPAM compliant emails to people who subscribed to their lists have their emails filtered as spam all the time. Unfortunately, there’s no quick and permanent fix. However, if you understand what spam is, how spam filters work, and what mistakes cause the email to be filtered as spam, you will be able to reduce …