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Author: Tanya Tarasenko

Holiday Email Ideas for Customers and Employees (+ Free Templates)

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

The holiday season is a great time to reach out to both your customers and the employees who keep your company afloat. A holiday greeting, update, or acknowledgment can boost spirits, build community, and keep audiences engaged while still being respectful of those who are not celebrating a holiday in that particular timeframe. If you know the right words, a holiday email can make a world of difference. Whether for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Labour Day, or any other special event, we cover a variety of ideas here and offer some free holiday email templates below that you can use and adapt.

Key Email Marketing Metrics You Need to Know to Succeed

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

In this highly competitive world of email marketing, if you want to stay afloat, you need to know the right metrics and use them wisely. Metrics are not just numbers but they measure the pulse of your campaigns and how your strategies are playing with your audience. Here’s the ultimate guide for metrics every email marketer must track for better campaign optimization and driving measurable results.

Email Blast: Definition, Examples, and How to Conduct It Correctly

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

An email blast, also referred to as an e-blast, is a method of marketing in which a single email is sent to numerous email addresses simultaneously. It is used predominantly as a way to broadcast a message to large groups of people as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible. This method is designed exclusively to reach all recipients with a unified message, leveraging the scale of email to reach many users at once.

Interactive Emails: Create A Strong Impression and Capture Subscribers’ Attention

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Interactive emails are at the cutting edge of digital marketing innovation. These emails enable recipients to interact with them, and encourage participation by including features like embedded videos, polls, and surveys. This transforms the monotonous process of reading a text-heavy email into something much more interesting and engaging. Not only are recipients likely to engage with interactive emails, but the experience is more memorable, even without any direct connections to the actual email content. This means that your readers would stay engaged with the brand for a longer period of time after viewing it than if they had interacted with a regular email.

How to Get to the Inbox in Outlook: Best Email Deliverability Practices and Solutions

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Being able to send your emails from your email system to the inbox – instead of the junk folder – is not only important but a key factor in effective business communication. Products such as Microsoft Outlook are equipped with complex systems to avoid unwanted emails, and they analyze a large number of factors such as sender credibility, content relevance, and user interaction.

GIFs in Your Inbox: Sparking Dynamic Conversations with Animated Emails

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Animated GIFs can become of even more reach and influence in the world of digital marketing where email remains one of the most direct and impactful means of communication. Let’s look into email GIFs from all sides – what exactly is an animated GIF, why to use it in emails, how to do it properly, what is the best email GIF size, and which aspects to keep in mind when it comes to email design and delivering animated GIFs within your email marketing strategy.

Streamlined Inbox: What’s New in Apple Mail from iOS 18 Preview

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Apple has announced a huge update of Apple Mail in iOS 18, with a bunch of exciting new features that are designed to give users a more immersive experience and add a greater sense of control over the pre-existing app. We’ll take a look at the highlights of this overhaul and its implications.

Understanding Email Queuing: Why Your Gmail Messages Get Stuck and How to Resolve It

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Queuing is when you send an email, but it doesn’t arrive at the destination right away — instead, it ends up resting in a “sending queue”. While many email clients and services have acknowledged this issue, it isn’t exclusive to anyone; the question of why emails queue up, and what we can do when they do, is an important one. Given our tendency to rely on email for communication both in leisure and in employment, many of us depend on messages arriving on time.

Email Gamification: Igniting Interactive Adventures in Marketing

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

Email gamification applies game mechanics to an email marketing campaign to make it both more interactive and engaging. Employing the inherent human love of play and competition as a mechanism to drive engagement and marketing effectiveness, email gamification has emerged to envelop everything from interactive quizzes and spin-to-win wheels to virtual scratch cards.

Email Signature Design: Best Practices and Their Impact on Deliverability

Written by Tanya Tarasenko

These days, an email signature is a necessary component of professional life. A custom signature helps your branding, improves your credibility, and provides vital contact information for anyone receiving your emails. But what does good email branding and style look like? Can a bad signature hurt email deliverability? This guide will demystify everything you need to know to create a good email signature.