[Case Study] MailSoar

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Email Marketing and Deliverability Agency

Location: Lyon, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France

Founded: 2020


Discover how MailSoar agency solved their problem of accurately measuring email placement and improving deliverability. With the GlockApps service, MailSoar has expanded its capabilities, significantly improving client accessibility and overall performance.

Let’s explore how MailSoar used GlockApps to overcome obstacles and achieve great results.

Results in numbers

How MailSoar helped GrowthLabs recover their deliverability of transactional and marketing emails and increase the open rate by 50% and the open rate flow above 30%.

MailSoar Successfully Solves Clients’ Email Deliverability Problems with GlockApps

Ready to Boost Your Email Deliverability?


MailІSoar, the email deliverability consulting agency based in France, offers comprehensive assistance to companies wishing to achieve optimal deliverability and security of their email communications worldwide. They provide various services such as deliverability audits, implementation of the necessary changes and best practices, long-term support, and new setup implementations.


Finding the Perfect Solution: Accurate Measurement and Visual Data Presentation

The agency was faced with the need for a solution to accurately measure the placement of incoming messages and visually present the data to customers.

They turned to GlockApps, an excellent tool for measuring the extent of the spam placement symptoms, utilizing its features for audits and ongoing client support to assess performance effectively.

The primary criteria for choosing a new solution included providing quick visual insights that could be correlated with other signals to make decisions regarding the strategy to improve deliverability.


Easy Integration and Comprehensive Inbox Placement Testing

MailSoar agency benefits from inbox placement testing services, available on both a one-time and regular basis, provided by GlockApps.

The integration process of the GlockApps solution was implemented internally by the MailSoar experts team.


Simplified and Improved Deliverability Analysis and Reporting for Customers

The agency noted that the GlockApps tool has significantly contributed to their operations by allowing them to pass placement tests efficiently, utilize insights for analysis, and visually present deliverability data to clients.

They found the tool to be simple and effective. As for advice to those still considering the solution, they recommend the Inbox Insight tool for significant workflow improvement.

Pierre Pignault, CEO

“We frequently have cases of e-commerce clients having severe deliverability issues due to various factors. It is most often due to a lack of control over their KPIs and sending behavior. GlockApps helps us visually show the client the different places where he is landing in spam. We can then get this client to implement the changes with us more easily, as his awareness of the issue is helped by the GlockApps test.
These e-commerce clients experience a direct ROI benefit amounting to the % of emails that were in spam and are now in the main inbox, so the improvements can be extremely profitable for them. The increase can vary from 2-3X to 30/50% increase depending on how bad they are initially”.

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Julia Gulevich is an email marketing expert and customer support professional at Geminds LLC with more than 15 years of experience. Author of numerous blog posts, publications, and articles about email marketing and deliverability.