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  3. What’s the difference between DKIM AUTH/EVAL and SPF AUTH/EVAL?

What’s the difference between DKIM AUTH/EVAL and SPF AUTH/EVAL?

DKIM AUTH (DKIM authentication) checks if the DKIM signature exists or not and if it is valid or not.

DKIM EVAL (DKIM evaluation) checks DMARC compliance. DKIM EVAL passes when the d= tag in the DKIM signature has the domain matching the domain in the Header FROM field or a sub-domain set up on the domain in the Header FROM field.

SPF AUTH (SPF authentication) checks if the SPF record exists and if it’s valid or not.

SPF EVAL (SPF evaluation) checks DMARC compliance. SPF EVAL passes when the SPF domain (or Return-Path domain) matches the domain in the Header FROM field or a sub-domain set up on the domain in the Header FROM field.

DMARC passes when either DKIM EVAL or SPF EVAL passes or both pass.

Updated on October 26, 2022

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