Sending accounts are used to create automatic tests and email tests via proxy email addresses. You can use the SMTP settings of most popular mailbox providers such as Gmail, Google Workspace, Outlook, and Office 365 and the SMTP settings of email service providers and delivery services that allow to use their SMTP servers in third party applications.
Below are the steps to create a sending account with the SendGrid’s SMTP settings:
In your account, go to Inbox Insight -> Sending Accounts.
Click “Create Sending Account” and enter the information:
Sending account name: any name that you want to appear in the From field if your emails
From email: your email address.
SMTP server:
Port: 587
Security protocol: none (works as STARTTLS)
SMTP username: apikey
SMTP password: API key value
To create an API key:
Login to your account at SendGrid.
Click on “Settings”.
Click on “API Keys”.
Next, click on “Create API Key”.
Enter a name for the key and select the “Full access” option.
Copy the API key value and paste it in the SMTP Password field in the sending account settings.
Choose a folder to create tests made via this sending account in.
Select the spam filters and email providers to be used for the tests made via this sending account.
Click “Check & Create”.